The Rich Dad Mission:
To Elevate the Financial Well-Being of Humanity

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The Official Rich Dad site dedicated to Educating and training people around the world with the goal of increasing the Financial Education of people everywhere. Join a community of over 500,000 people!

What is Rich Dad World?

The Official Rich Dad site dedicated to Educating and training people around the world with the goal of increasing the Financial Education of people everywhere. Join a community of over 500,000 people!

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My Rich Dad said, “The poor and middle class work hard for their money. The Rich have their money work hard for them.”
The Power of Thinking Like the Rich — The Message of Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I was fortunate to have two dads, a rich dad and a poor dad. Through my book Rich Dad Poor Dad, I shared the experiences that made me successful so others could begin to see money and finances in a whole new way.

Two Dads, Two Different Philosophies, Two Different Outcomes.
My real dad was very educated, worked hard, and made a good income. However, he held traditional views about money and as a result ended up struggling financially all his life – I call him my poor dad. My rich dad, (my friend’s dad) did not have a college degree, also worked hard, but he thrived financially. Unlike my poor dad, he had a rich mindset and thought about money very differently and as a result ended up being one of the richest men in Hawaii. Through my Rich Dad’s financial advice, I discovered how to let money work for me and become a successful business owner.

Rich Dad World helps you learn Rich Dad’s lessons
Having two dads gave me the benefit of contrasting perspectives. I use this contrast to teach millions of people a new view on money. The biggest difference I see between The Rich and the poor or middle class, is financial education and how they think about money. Do you think Rich? Compare the views of my poor dad and my rich dad and see where you currently fit.

Have all featured Robert Kiyosaki

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